
home Lost Password
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      Lost Password?
Retrieve your password
Method I:£º
Enter your account ID here and click ¡°Get Identifying Code¡±. The system will send a temporary identifying code to your registered email account.
Method II£º
Enter your account ID and new password your desired, click ¡°Notify the Administrator¡±. Website administrator will change the password for you and send back a notice.
The first method is to send an identifying code to your email account and you can retrieve your password with the code. The weakness is that there is a possibility of email delivery failure due to Internet error or email delivery system problems. By using the second method you can retrieve your password without worrying about the above factors, however, you have to wait for the administrator to process and this might take some of your precious time.
Please enter your account ID: *
Please enter new password: *
Please re-enter the new password for confirmation: *
Please enter the identifying code shown on the right side:
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